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A blog about blogs!


Here at CAKE we write lots of blogs, not just for our own website but on behalf of some of our clients too. It’s a bit of an art (even if we do say so ourselves) and not every blog post succeeds at getting views and shares.

Blogs are the perfect platform for sharing quality content. Not only is a blog post new content for your website, it’s also ideal for sharing on social media and for cementing your place as a worthy thought leader.

Here are a few of our top tips on what you can do to ensure yours are doing the trick…  

Attention-grabbing title
The title or headline is of course the first thing your readers see, so it’s arguably the most important bit. It’s vital that those few words catch your audiences’ attention and encourage them to continue reading.  

Be yourself
Don’t be afraid to write in an informal and friendly tone. Your blog should reflect your business and a bit of personality won’t do you any harm. Even if you’re talking about something fairly dry and dare we say it, a bit dull, you can still inject some excitement into it!

Short but sweet
A blog post doesn’t need to be long. Sometimes an image with a few lines is enough, if for example you’re sharing something your business has done or a piece of work you are proud of. In a standard post, a couple of hundred words is enough – say what you need to say, without going into too much detail and risking your readers’ getting bored.  

Keep it simple
We still believe the old KISS (keep it simple, stupid) theory works. Avoid using too much jargon – you can still talk as experts on a topic and share your knowledge, but do it using language anyone can understand.

It’s not all about you
Get the balance right. Of course, you want to share news of work you’ve done and things you’re proud of, but don’t always just talk about you. Offer advice, share knowledge and use it as a platform to prove that you are experts.

Tell a story
Every story needs a beginning, middle and end. Think of your blog like a story and follow this format. Grab their attention, give them a bit more information and then conclude. Use a call to action where necessary too.

Lists and bullet points
Use numbered lists or bullet points if it’s relevant. It helps your readers absorb the information instantly, without much effort.

SEO strategy and keywords
 While you’re at it, remember to keep in mind your overall SEO strategy and the keywords that you’re targeting. Yes your blogs need to be relevant and interesting to your readers, but you want to be expanding your audience with each addition of content to your site. Make your keywords flow into your content and not stand out horribly inside the content for your marketing agency website specialising in SEO (see what we did there?).

We have a team of copywriters and content specialists with the skills to transform your blogs and increase engagement.
If we can help, give us a shout.

gareth slaughter